Select "View->Skins->Select Skins.." to activate the dialog
for selecting skins. In the dialog, you can click <apply> button to apply
the selected skin on the software. You can also double-click an item to apply the
skin. Click <ok> button to apply the selected skin and dismiss the dialog.
Select "View->Skins->Disable Skins" to restore the software to
its original appearance without skin.
Contribute more skins
You can help design and contribute more skins to the Kylinsoft community.
If you don't want to look at the following configuration details, draw the
window frame and button images and mail
it to us. We'll create the skin for you.
To start designing your own skin, go to the software installation directory,
change into "skins" directory and then create a sub-directory with the
name of the new skin, for example, "my skin". Create a file named
"skin.ini" under the newly created directory. You have to write
configuration information in "skin.ini" and put necessary images under
the same directory. All pictures must be windows bmp files currently.
skin.ini should start with this line: [general].
Specify one option in each line below. An option line should be in the form of
"OptionName=OptionValue". If you want to use default value for that
option, simply remove that line.
Window Frame
You have two choices for the window frame, i.e., simple-fill frame and custom
Simple-fill frame
In this way, you will design a skin based on a round-rectangle frame
with a simple filling pattern. You need to supply the following
Define the thickness on the four sides of the frame. You
can write "FrameRect=default" and it will be set to
"6,29,6,6". The top side is thicker because it includes
the caption. You must specify this option so that this skin is
treated as a simple-fill frame. |
Define the radius of the frame corner, or how round
the corner is. Set 0 if you want to have square corner. |
Specify the picture file which will be used as the
filling pattern for the window frame. The default value is
"framefill.bmp". |
Custom Frame If you haven't specified the option "FrameRect" in the
configuration file, the skin will be treated as a custom frame. You have
to include up to 12 images to define the frame. They are,
topleft.bmp, top.bmp, topright.bmp,
lefttop.bmp(optional), left.bmp, leftbottom.bmp(optional),
righttop.bmp(optional), right.bmp, rightbottom.bmp(optional),
bottomleft.bmp, bottom.bmp, bottomright.bmp.
Please notice that the top-left corner is included in topleft.bmp(instead
of lefttop.bmp); the top-right corner is included in topright.bmp; the
bottom-left corner is included in bottomleft.bmp, the bottom-right corner
is included in bottom-right.bmp. Also notice that left.bmp,
bottom.bmp, left.bmp and right.bmp should be rectangular in shape because
they will be tiled to adapt to actual window size. |
Custom Buttons
There are four buttons to be located on the window frame. You can supply an
image file for each of the buttons. Each image file must contain four images for
the button in normal, hot(when mouse is over), down and disabled states,
respectively. The four images should be aligned from left to right in the order
mentioned above. The four buttons are minimize button, maximize button, close
button and system button.
button: min.bmp |
button: max.bmp |
button: close.bmp |
button: sys.bmp |
Windows 3.x and unix has a system button while win95 or later replace the
system button with an icon. The users click the system button to get a drop down
system menu. You can use the software icon image as the system button by
specifying this option: SystemIcon=true.
This option has a default value of true. If you want to use sys.bmp as
the image for the system button, you should specify: SystemIcon=false.
Green, Blue Specify the caption text color by RGB value. |
top, right, bottom
Specify the bounding rectangle of caption
text. The <right> value should be specified as the negative of the
distance from the right end of the caption. |