My Ad Blocker |
My Ad Blocker Version 2.6
New!My Ad Blocker is a powerful and easy-to-use tool with which can block annoying pop-ups, banner Ads, flash Ads and other Internet Ad annoyances intelligently and automatically without interfering your surfing. It not only eliminates the annoyance, but improves your surfing speed as well.
My Ad Blocker also has a powerful and user-friendly configuration GUI where you can see indicators for amount of killed pop-ups and In-Page Ads for displaying how much traffic the program have been saved.
You can not only set up popup allowed sites, but black list and white list for In-Page Ad Filters to keep useful info and eliminate real Ads. You can also choose different sounds to indicate the blocking of pop-ups and In-page Ads.
There is also detailed logging record in My Ad Blocker, and you may know the Ads sites killed by My Ad Blocker so as to improve your setting.
- Doesn't affect your browsing habits.
- A user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use this Ad blocker.
- Stops popups before they are created.
- Stops In-Page Ads before they are loaded.
- Speeds up surfing by avoiding Ad downloads.
- Unlimited customizable Ad database.
- Optionally play user selectable sound when a popup is blocked.
- You can press CTRL key at any time to disable Ad blocker temporarily.
- Easy to configure, disable, enable, and uninstall Ad blocker.
- Life-long statistics to log the number of blocked Ads.
Price & Order
The price to register a single copy of My Ad Blocker is only US $19.95. You can order My Ad Blocker securely online by our payment processor-Regsoft. Acceptable payment methods include major credit cards(Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Euro), checks, phone orders, fax orders.
Registration benefits include:
- Remove 15-day expiration limit
- Free technical support
- Free upgrade to future versions